The Real Story About What Occurred at ARIES INSURANCE COMPANY When the owners of the company, The Fraynd family voluntarily asked Tom Gallagher, Ex-Florida CFO and head of the Department of Financial Services ("DFS"), to assist them in order to save and rehabilitate the company after the aftermath of 9/11, because its major Re-Insurers including General Reinsurance Corporation, ("GenRe") refused to honor their reinsured claims owed to ARIES INSURANCE COMPANY and drove the company to insolvency.

Friday, April 22, 2011

E. Barclay Cale P.A. Attorney for DFS vs FRAYND

E. Barclay Cale, is the head of a two attorney law firm who came out of retirement in 2003 just to handle the civil prosecution of the Aries owners and executives and has made a carrier suing the Fraynds and the Fraynd owned companies and has collecting millions in legal fees from the Aries Insurance Company in perusing this matter.

This two man attorney law firm has collected over $6 Million in legal fees to date in the ARIES INSURANCE COMPANY receivership. If he settles the ARIES case he would have to close up shop since he has no other clients other than DFS and has little or no other business to handle.

Mr Cale was given a sweetheart legal contract due to his ties with the Tom Gallagher administration and has been milking the Aries Insurance Company for millions in fees over the last 8 years and collecting very little for the estate of Aries. 

Check out his website at http://www.calelaw.com/

He lists himself, another lawyer, Justin Calderon and one secretary.

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